framefree ICON

 INDEX FILE  for a  poor man's handwritten HTML page, Hi!!

Startpoint for: A radio schematics oriented document server
Go directly to the  Quick Jump menu  at the bottom Go to the Quick Jump menu at the bottom!

framefree ICON

Click on this JRC icon to enter


my own JRC document server

Lots of NRD-515 documentation over there


Click on this radio for even more info

nwg515rr.jpg WALTER PE1ABR

You can view all the other radio amateur information over there in detail

  newClick over   HERE

  for lots of PDF files about hardware used in the NRD-515 and in my own designs.

   newClick over   HERE

  for some utilities to work with old LAYO1 and ORCAD for DOS.
All the work you find in the above links has been made with it!


Click on this lighthouse to see  
some NDB / beacon information
You can view some local beacon photographs and read my old "heard" list over there

  anibal.gif Reverse engineered and NOT available above,
but now for download available over here:

Lots of Sunshine oriented documentation and add-on hardware info

Click on this   sunshine2.gif   icon to enter my own
  EPROM   Programmer  document server  

The following is available in Dutch only, original articles referring to in
  UK Radcom April + May 1999
The above link brings you to an English PDF version of the Radcom articles (200 KBytes). It refers to an article in Dutch in Electron about my coax loop-antenna, a hughe thing of 150 square meters, with special Rx results.
G3XTZ refers to such a Rx result in his article (200 KBytes) in Radcom from Februari 2000.
I am mentioned!!

If PDF's won't view properly copy to hard disk first!!

More detailed information in English added on the extra radio page (see top of this page, right)

The Dutch part with all the publications in Dutch from me are moved to a special page in Dutch only.


This part is to activate some memories to the fifties and sixties.
Memories to the electronics hobby and a magazine to popularize electronics for the youngsters from those days.
It was called Radio Blan, the young tinkerer figured in these stories, his father and grandfather/Dr. Blan

Dit gedeelte is bedoeld om herinneringen aan de jaren vijftig en zestig op te halen.
Herinneringen aan de elektronicahobby en een tijdschrift uit die tijd om elektronica te populariseren voor de jongeren.
Het blad heette Radio Blan, in deze verhalen figureerden de jonge knutselaar, zijn vader en opa/Dr. Blan.
Achter deze link meer typisch Nederlandstalige zelfbouw zaken en een aantal beginners boekjes.

Alle rechten en copyright van alle vroegere producten van AMROH en uitgaven van voormalig "De Muiderkring " zijn tegenwoordig in handen van    Bureau Belper.   Mochten bepaalde zaken zoals Dr. Blan opnieuw uitgegeven worden dan kunt u die daar bestellen!



Some local Dutch fun, click on this historic picture to see more from Dr. Blan!

Again some words in Dutch:
Dit wordt de tijdelijke rustplaats van de hersenspinsels van Walter Geeraert  -  PE1ABR.
This place will become the temporary resting place of some of my brain-waves

walter-kop PE1ABR

Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional
  UGH!, caught during research

  Click on address (or pigeon) for email
NEW email on my own domain!
(address for technical stuff):

Click on picture for my FERRITE info page
Almost 100 ferrite manufacturers are shown

Cloned and crippled versions of my Ferrite page:
(If too slow or won't load: click PDF capture)









And a copy with official permission:      
Hefei Shirui Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Quick jump menu

NRD-515 doc's BC-Tune mod pics NDH-515 mod pics NDH-518 mod-1 pics NDH-518 mod-2 pics
NWG-515 VFO pics NRD-515 - PDF page NRD-515 mainsmod NCM-515 contr. pics New 5101 MEM-chip
John Kolb copypage 455 kHz filtertest More JRC Info Radiohobby page Layo1 and Orcad
EPROM page
empty slot
PE1ABR's anthology
Active aerial Beacon DX info
W&G SPM-30
backlight option

Fake D-cell
NiMh batteries

RF sniffer probes

Screened mains current transformer
Simple wideband EMC up-converter
test box

A NON-standard
ESR meter

Capacitor leakage current test box
Audio booster for
Racal RA-17

RS232 optical interface

Inductor page World Ferrite Manufac. FERRITE INFO Ferrite measurements Ferrite Video page
Attenuator page
5x -10 dB PI-network
The EMC page Ferrites from

OPAMP NL Varicap test module

Snelle Start NL-menu

Dr. Blan start LOT LMG-01 Proton DMM02 Heathkit IT-1121 Condensator lektest Checker NL
Varicap test module
OPAMP NL Ferrites from

leeg Hoe te scannen + Oma
De BAL lamp De Aardweerstand meetbrug RTTY hoekje Het VERON hoekje Walter's FDISK2!!
bootsector virus
De Exidy Sorcerer
455 kHz start NL Barend H. boekjes FERRIET INFO NL FERRIET metingen NL

by Walter - PE1ABR - 2024-07-26